What are the risk factors for skin cancer
*** The most common risk factors for skin cance are as follows--
1. Ultraviolet light exposure, either from the sun or from tanning beds. Fair-skinned individuals with a history of repeated sunburns, those with hazel or blue eyes, and people with blond or red hair are particularly vulnerable. The problem is worse in areas of high altitude or near the equator where sunlight exposure is more intense.
2. A chronically suppressed immune system (immunosuppression) from underlying diseases such as HIV/AIDS infection or cancer, or from some medications such as prednisone or chemotherapy.
3. Exposure to ionizing radiation (X-rays) or chemicals known to predispose to cancer such as arsenic.
4. Certain types of wart virus infections.
5. People who have a history of one skin cancer have a 20% chance of developing a second skin cancer in the next two years.
** We give some photos and information of skin cancer;

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