Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Tips For Lazy Girl

                                                 Skin Care Tips For Lazy Girl

           Slow your roll not calling you lazy. You’re a busy woman. We know that all week long, you’re out there kicking and taking names. All we’re saying is that somewhere between your demanding work schedule and fitness routine and your calendar full of afterhours commitments, you barely have time to think, much less go to the spa for a 3-hour facial. 
Several studies, including one conducted in 2012 by the Kellogg School of Management, show that what you wear each day affects your overall performance.

                      ## Few tips for you:  
           ***  While after a long day, all you may want to do is go home and be a lazy girl, it’s not in your best interest. The one thing you wear every day is your face, so take care of it even when all you want to do is curl up on the couch with a glass of wine and a season of House of Cards.
Here are three simple but effective tips for getting to couch potato status sooner than later without letting your skin suffer the consequences.


     ## Good use of nightstand :

     ** Find yourself tempted to crawl into bed before washing your face? That’s fine. Just stash a supply of your favorite face wipes and your facial moisturizer nearby. We particularly love L'OrĂ©al RevitaLift Radiant Smoothing Wet Cleansing Towelettes because they gently cleanse the skin while also removing all makeup residue.

     ## Take a warm shower.

     ** Some (most) like it hot. But hot water can add a lot of time to your skin-care routine later on. Rather than applying copious amounts of serious lotion throughout the day, try taking a warm shower instead of a hot one. You should still apply a little moisturizer, but you won’t be so dry that you have to resort to multiple applications all day long.

     ##  Take some special.

    .Whatever your busy life may look like, chances are there are plenty of times your skin care routine has taken a backseat simply because you didn’t have your products with you. Forget to throw a moisturizer in your gym bag? Didn’t plan on spending the night at a friend or boyfriend’s house? That’s happened to the best of us, which is why you should always buy two of each of your favorite products. Keep one in your car or purse, and keep the other in your bathroom. Bonus: You’ll always have a backup should your first run out.

                                     ## Last few tips ##

            *** Kellogg School of Management, show that what you wear each day affects your overall performance. So while after a long day, all you may want to do is go home and be a lazy girl, it’s not in your best interest. The one thing you wear every day is your face, so take care of it even when all you want to do is curl up on the couch with a glass of wine and a season of House of Cards.

Saturday, April 2, 2016

Skin Care Tips for Young Girls

                                         Skin Care Tips for Young Girls

  1.         *** Welcome! we find beauty amidst the bedlam of everyday life. Inspiration and encouragement for meal time, finances, home life, DIY and more. If you're new, you may like to subscribe for free updates. Subscribe via email signupsoin to have new posts delivered directly to your inbox by email. Thanks for visiting. I'm glad we're on this journey together!

### Let’s just pause for a moment, and take deep breaths, while I wrap my brain around that fact. Ok, I am much better now, thank you.)

Raising teens creates a whole host of topics, some of which I bull doze over, while others I have to tip toe around gently. The varying emotions that are packed into those bodies never cease to amaze me.

With that being said, understanding the issues that result from teens and their skin is a topic that I’ve dug into over the last few years. Our sons have all dealt with acne issues,  and with that comes definite self consciousness.

Yet a much more serious aspect, that I haven’t addressed here on my blog, stems from the fact that four years ago, our youngest son was diagnosed with an early stage of melanoma. Yes, skin cancer on the head, even though easily treated through surgery, was something that rocked our world, and sent us diving for every preventative measure we could find in regards to skin care.


                                 ## Start Young  

    I was so foolish when I was younger. I was intent on getting as tan as I could, which often meant lathering myself with baby oil and frying myself. All I knew was that I shouldn’t get so burned that I blistered, but even that advice I often disregarded. (Sigh!) For years, I was a competitive swimmer, often competing outdoors,so I even had additional exposure, and I am now paying.

The best way to keep skin healthy is to start young. Up to 80% of lasting sun damage occurs before the age of 18, and my goal as a mom is to make sure that I develop smart skin habits now with our kids so that it’s a natural habit.

Our kids hate putting on sunscreen, but if it can become part of the hygiene habit early on, just like washing the face and brushing the teeth, again, it loses its fight. Sun protection needs to occur daily, even in the winter. I admit, even I struggle with that, but now I specifically purchase products that have the SPF already included.

Choose products carefully.

Our eldest son’s acne got so bad that we saw a dermatologist for recommendations on quality products. We were willing to invest in products that made a difference.  I am much more picky for the products that I put on our children’s faces. Avoid cosmetics that will clog. Look for oil free make-up.

Since our daughters have skin I want protected, one of the things that really won me over when I looked at Willa’s product line is free of  harsh chemicals – DEA free and phthalate free,  Paraben free, Proplyene glycol free, and sulfate free.

Be Natural

I look at the picture above of  my daughter and I just love her fresh face. I know in the next year, she will begin dabbling in make up and honestly, I can’t wait.

I love experimenting with make up, but I want to teach her how to do it well and naturally. To enhance her beautiful features, not trend towards a made up doll. Too many girls hide their beautiful skin behind a load of make up, yet applying more make up to ones skin, especially if struggling with blemishes, only magnifies the problem.

Always Clean Your Skin Properly Before Bed.

This is one tips that took me years to make a habit, but it’s so important.

Your skin needs to breathe and it can’t do that if make up and bacteria stay on the surface. That can really irritate ones skin. When I was in college, I was told that one night of not removing your make up cancels two weeks of good skin care. I have no idea if that was a true statistic or not, but it made a believer out of me. I never go to bed with out at least washing my face.

Those are just a few of the Skin Care Tips for my girls that I am trying to make into habits.

Hair Happiness For Gril

Hair Happiness For Gril

                   *** I Love big hair, I think I  have an Inner Pageant girl inside me because the bigger hair you have the better. I've always had hair extensions since I can remember, I probably came out the womb with a Remy weave attached. Hair just makes you feel so sexy and can change any look in an instance, from a chilled messy bun to curly sue locks.
When this brand got in touch with me I couldn't resist in saying no! I love trying new hair and seeing how it reacts after washes how it curls etc, I just love trying new hair. The amount I have stored in a draw is crazy, I could make 4 peoples wigs with it.

Hair Extensions
From a hair extension lover to now a provider of amazing quality hair, Joanne provides one of the highest quality hair companies in the UK. She's now opened the door for products to be fitted at home, providing 100% Remy human hair lasting a minimum of 6 months. No knotting or matting - How amazing!

I received the parcel with super fast delivery and to my surprise they came in this gorgeous box wrapped neatly inside. I was so shocked as I'd ever had hair extensions in a box before I almost felt like royalty. Before I'd even opened the box I had already fell in love, you know a product is going to be good when the packaging is top quality. I'm quite knowledgeable with hair extensions as I've had them for around 12 years, so when I try a new brand I know what to look for to see how good it is.


       Sale Stress
I HATE Sales yet seem to go to them anyway, online & in store. I have no reason what so ever to buy things in the sale, what are last season and probably strewn all over the floor. But for some reason I have no self control and have to at least come out with something.
Even more annoying than that is somehow being given a miracle and finding an item you like, going to try it on and then it doesn't fit. You realised this before as it was a size to small, but still tried it on anyway in hoping that by breathing inand pushing your boobs to the side it will FIT! - Now its stuck on your head.

        Nothing to wear
I have nothing to wear! Yes I have a lot of clothes and can't fit any more into my wardrobe, and sadly for my boyfriend he's now down to one draw. I cant wear what I wore last week to the shops to go out in, what if someone sees me and think hasn't she got any other clothes to wear? I can't wear what I wore on that picture on Instagram AGAIN how rude would it be to wear something TWICE out in the open!
I mean really why can't we recycle our clothes in the shops - wear once take it back and swap it for something else. This is a real problem for girls and people need to understand. We don't want to wear 80 percent of our wardrobe because we have a select few clothes we love mainly black nude grey or khaki, that we can't seem to be apart from. Yet can't be seen in them twice.
Don't tell us to wear that top we brought last week because we don't even like it any more, plus we brought it in the sale and it doesn't fit!

                                                *** LUST FEW THING ***

                  Ends of the hair extensions - Joanne Rozalin Hair Extensions are thick to the bottom, no tapering off and thinning.
Thickness - You could easily use one set of hair extensions for a full head they are so thick!
The feel - They felt amazing I couldn't stop touching them
Styling - I tested them out by curling then straightening then curling them back again, I even washed them and they STILL remained like brand new.